January 2010
In this issue:
■Windows 7 Case Study
■4 Battery Tips
■Prevent Your Laptop
From Being Stolen
■ Empower Mobile Workers
■Sensitive Data on Laptops
■Securing Your Smartphone
■Secure Remote Workforce
■Case Study
■When Mobile Systems Fail
Should sensitive data be stored on laptops?
BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) — Every month seems to bring another episode of sensitive personal information escaping into the wild because a corporate or government laptop computer is lost or stolen. A common response is a lot of hand-wringing over how the data should have been encrypted.
But some key questions usually go unanswered. Why is so much private data allowed to be on laptops to begin with?
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Securing Your Smartphone or PDA

Don’t overlook the security needs of these small devices. Here are some key security measures to take to protect your smartphone or PDA.
Smartphones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) have become important business tools in recent years, and that trend appears to be continuing. According to Gartner Inc, worldwide PDA shipments in the first quarter of 2006 increased 6.6 percent compared to the first quarter of 2005.
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Key Steps to a Secure Remote Workforce
Key Steps to a Secure Remote Workforce
The workplace has undergone fundamental changes over the past decade. No longer is the corporation housed within physical walls; it now transcends those buildings, even extending beyond distant geographic borders. The corporate network too, expands far beyond the corporate perimeter to provide access to partners, clients, suppliers, and traveling workers.
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Aug 07, 2009
Hoboken, New Jersey – 09-01-2009 – If more is better, eMazzanti Technologies, Hoboken, New Jersey, takes top honors in Microsoft’s pre-launch Windows 7 case study program—called Ignite— by being invited to include six (6) of its premier customers in the program: Essential Apparel, Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky Law, Bergen County Camera, Flowers and O’Brien Law, GameWear, and MXINSPECT. “Because of our deep, long-standing relationship with Microsoft, we were able to get twice as many customers involved in this terrific early-adopter Windows 7 program. The free marketing, international exposure and bragging rights benefit all of us,” noted Carl Mazzanti, chief executive officer, eMazzanti Technologies.
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4 Battery Tips for Your Mobile Gadgets
By Christopher Elliott
Reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Center
Mention the words “battery life.” The first gadget that comes to mind is probably the energy-consuming laptop computer — particularly if you’re on the go a lot.
If not, it should be. There never seems to be enough juice to run your portable PC, as I griped about in a previous article. Ah, but if laptop PCs were the extent of your battery blues, you might not feel so, well, powerless.
But power problems plague other mobile devices. For example, a 2003 In-Stat/MDR survey found that long battery life ranked as the most important feature to business users when selecting a wireless handset. Users of personal digital assistants (PDAs) are just as concerned about a possible energy crisis. I know because I am one and I never seem to stop worrying about running dry.
So, what about mobile gadgets? How do you make sure your batteries last as long as possible? Here are four tips.
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Five Ways to Prevent Your Laptop from Being Stolen
When your laptop gets stolen, you lose a lot more than your computer and the cost of the replacement; that is why it makes sense to take these simple steps to protect it. DON’T let your computer out of your sight, even for a moment. Wi-Fi hotspots like coffee shops can be distracting and are prime hangouts for laptop thieves. Don’t leave it on a table to get a refill and don’t put it on the floor behind your chair.DON’T leave it on the seat of your car. Hide it under the seat or in the trunk or you could end up with a stolen laptop AND a broken car window.DON’T leave it in your hotel room unless you’ve secured it with a laptop cable lock ($30 to $50 at most stores). If you don’t have a laptop cable lock, take it with you or ask hotel management to lock it up.Read More |
4 Ways Small Business Server Empowers Mobile Workers
By Christopher Elliott
Reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Small Business CenterYou probably know what a server can do for your office. But do you know what it can do when you’re out of the office?A 2003 survey of Small Business Server users conducted by Lawrence Associates LLC offers a clue. It found that employees were able to perform an average of 20% more revenue-producing tasks, thanks in no small part to functions that allowed them to stay connected to their office computers while they were away.Ann Westerheim knows about these productivity gains firsthand. As the president of Ekaru, a Westford, Mass., small-business technology adviser, she’s seen the benefits in client after client.Read more |
IT Services Firm Resolves Its Remote Access Needs, Boosts Server Performance 30%
eMazzanti Technologies has a rapidly growing team of field engineers. The ability to emulate the desktop experience over a wide area network (WAN) connection anytime and anywhere is critical to the company’s success. An upgrade to Windows Server® 2008 provided the advanced Terminal Services features and remote access capabilities that eMazzanti needed.
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Refer a Network
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Qualifying applicants
must receive full time
employment and have
referenced the referring
friend on the original
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referrer to be eligible for
the annual drawing.
Shopping spree is limited
to $1,000 in merchandise. |
When Mobile Systems Fail
The deployment of mobile technologies has transformed today’s small businesses, fueling tremendous productivity gains. Even so, many of these organizations are at a loss when their mobile systems fail. This article looks at how to speed the recovery of the mobile client.For most of today’s small businesses, “going mobile” is a given. According to research from International Data Corp., two-thirds of the U.S. workforce will be considered mobile by the end of this year.
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